Petición en Español

Por favor inicie esta petición en Protege a los niños abusados para evitar que sufran de un trauma adicional: Permite que los jueces los coloquen dentro la mejor familia adoptiva Cambios recientes en las leyes de la Florida le han quitado a los jueces en la corte de dependencia el poder de tomar decisiones basadas en el interés superior...

IEP Roadmap | The Understood Team

    Wondering what you can do to try to get your child special education services? The chart in the link below will give you a bird’s-eye view of the steps you can take to seek out an Individualized Education Program (IEP) For more information, please visit the following website: IEP Roadmap: How to Seek Out Special Education Services for...

Foster Care

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Assist us with our Annual Back to School BackPack Drive!

We are so thrilled to announce that both the Florida State Senate & House HAVE PASSED the law to allow Judges the ability to give abused children their best possible adoptive family We host monthly informative meetings and educational workshops in which we provide in-service hour credits for foster, adoptive and relative caregiver parents. Our meetings are held at 8900...

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